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Pre-Vet Studies


Why Pursue a Veterinary Career at Randolph?

兽医、畜牧业或兽医研究领域的职业是非常可取的. 但如今,进入兽医学校的竞争非常激烈. 

在过去的十年里,申请美国33所认可的兽医学院的人数有所上升.  Acceptance rates are between 10%-15%.  这就是为什么一个优秀的本科准备是必不可少的.



Preparing for Veterinary School

Select a Major

You can major in anything. 专业的选择并不是决定兽医学校录取的一个因素.

However, 大多数兽医预科生都主修生物学,因为生物学要求广泛,而且它为研究生入学考试(GRE)的生物学科目考试提供了准备。, a prerequisite to admission to many veterinary colleges.

Academic Performance

Good grades in science are important. Vet school applications are extremely competitive. 你的大部分理科课程都得a和b,还有3分.0 or better to apply to most schools. 

The Academic Services Center can help you meet this challenge.

The Liberal Arts Advantage

Excellent preparation makes the difference. 作为申请过程的一部分,你将与兽医学校进行面试.

365亚洲版的文科教育为你提供了沟通技巧的坚实基础, and the Career Development Center offers you practice in “mock” interviews.


Faculty Mentors

Your faculty advisor will help you develop your Randolph Plan to chart a path that will help you meet your goals. 

教师健康专业顾问将协助您处理任何额外的学术或课外要求和申请程序, and will act as a resource.


Required Courses

  • General and organic chemistry
  • Mathematics (as preparation for physics)
  • Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • Physics (calculus-based or noncalculus-based physics)
  • Physiology
  • Public speaking courses
  • Writing and rhetoric courses
  • Zoology

Recommended Courses

  • 高级生物学课程,如遗传学和发育生物学
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioethics
  • Other advanced biology courses (varies by school)

Practical Experience


对兽医学感兴趣的学生来说,实习是必不可少的, 而且大多数学校都要求学生有在课堂外处理各种动物的经验. 



  • On-campus
    • 我们的大多数学生与他们的教师导师一起从事高级研究项目, such as those offered as part of the Summer Research Program.
  • Off-campus
    • Amherst Veterinary Hospital
    • Animal Emergency Medical Center
    • Tampa Zoo
    • Windhaven Equine Clinic

此外,许多兽医都愿意与兽医预科的学生一起工作 Career Development Center and local vets for summer job opportunities.

Natural History Collection

365亚洲版学院自然历史和考古收藏,成立于1895年,包含 hundreds of zoological specimens 包括鸟类、哺乳动物、鱼类、爬行动物、昆虫、海洋无脊椎动物和化石.

The collections boast an excellent herbarium containing thousands of specimens of plants 本土的或引进到美国东部,特别是弗吉尼亚州中部的.




学院有着悠久的校友和校友网络传统. 校友和校友联系数据库使您可以det365亚洲版来自全国各地的该领域的365亚洲版毕业生.

Top Ranked Professors

365亚洲版学院的教师一直被认为是全国最好的. 《365亚洲版》在其旗舰大学指南的2021年版中,将该学院列为最平易近人的教授前20名, The Best 387 Colleges.

Randolph has been ranked in the top 20 连续四年获得最平易近人教授奖.

Health Professions Advisor

The faculty health professions advisor will guide you, serve as a resource, 并回答有关学术或课外要求和申请程序的问题.

Ann Fabirkiewicz

Charles A. 达纳化学教授,医学预科和兽医预科研究顾问

Read More... Ann Fabirkiewicz

Only at Randolph



每半学期上两门课意味着你可以专注并深入学习你的课程,同时还有时间享受大学生活的其余部分. Two classes. Seven weeks. Repeat.

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The Randolph Plan


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Money for Your Research

365亚洲版创新学生体验(RISE)项目为每位学生提供2美元,000 grant to fund research, creative work, experiential learning or other scholarly pursuits.

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The Liberal Arts Advantage

365亚洲版的毕业生学会批判性地思考,解决问题和与他人合作. They are prepared to succeed in all aspects of life.

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The honor recognizes the College’s high-quality education, hands-on learning, strong student-faculty relationships, and vibrant campus life.

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Randolph named one of Virginia’s best colleges

榜单上的每一所大学都是根据学术质量进行评估的, graduation rates, affordability, return on investment, and the breadth of student resources.

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Students quoted in the guide praised Randolph’s faculty, 谁的首要目标总是让学生成为更好的思考者.” 

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The honor recognizes the College’s high-quality education, hands-on learning, strong student-faculty relationships, and vibrant campus life.

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Randolph named one of Virginia’s best colleges

榜单上的每一所大学都是根据学术质量进行评估的, graduation rates, affordability, return on investment, and the breadth of student resources.

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Students quoted in the guide praised Randolph’s faculty, 谁的首要目标总是让学生成为更好的思考者.” 

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Ann Fabirkiewicz

Charles A. 达纳化学教授,医学预科和兽医预科研究顾问

Credentials:Ph.D., University of Tennessee
B.S., University of Michigan
Associated Departments:Chemistry, Preparing to Study Medicine, Preparing to Study Veterinary Medicine
Office:214 Martin Hall

News Headlines

我知道我想在高中时成为一名有机化学家,我想在大学二年级的时候教这门课, so I’m pretty sure I’ve found my dream job! 我还教授生物化学,一门营养学课程和有机化学专题. 我建议对健康专业感兴趣的学生,并乐于帮助学生在许多领域中理清他们的兴趣,并通过入学先决条件和所需的文书工作.

我目前的研究兴趣包括研究食品和饮料中抗氧化剂的定量技术,以及开发抗氧化剂指纹图谱的TLC染色方法. My students and I have analyzed chocolate, fresh and bottled juices, herbal teas, and colored rices most recently.
