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Cognitive Science

这门跨学科的认知科学辅修课程借鉴了心理学的概念和方法论, philosophy, computer science, language sciences, 神经科学和强调如何思考和参与推理和建设性的问题解决.


Why Study Cognitive Science at Randolph?


Cognitive science draws on concepts and methodology from psychology, philosophy, computer science, language sciences, 以及神经科学,并强调如何思考和参与推理以及建设性的解决问题的能力,这些技能可以跨学科应用.

Students will learn how information is represented and processed, 还可以学习高级计算技能,如计算机编程和数据结构.

Degrees offered

Interdisciplinary Minor in Cognitive Science

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology 

Minor in Psychology 

Curriculum and Courses

Participating Programs

Curriculum and Requirements


Required: (16 credit hours)

  • PSYC 2211 Cognitive Psychology 
  • PSYC 2260 Language Acquisition and Development 
  • PSYC 3338 Cognitive Neuroscience 
  • PHIL 3351 Philosophy of Mind 

One of the following: (4 credit hours)

  • CSCI 2225 Matlab and Labview
  • DSCI/MATH 2232 Introduction to Data Science
  • DSCI 2233 Machine Learning

One of the following: (4 credit hours)

  • PHIL 2230 Logic
  • PSYC 3325 Psychology of Music
  • PSYC 3334 Thinking and Reasoning in Psychological Science

See individual department listings for course descriptions

Top Ranked Professors

365亚洲版学院的教师一直被认为是全国最好的. 《365亚洲版》在其旗舰大学指南的2022年版中,将该学院评为最平易近人的教授前20名, The Best 385 Colleges. Randolph has been ranked in the top 20 for most accessible professors for three consecutive years.

Faculty Coordinator

Elizabeth Blair Gross


Read More... Elizabeth Blair Gross

Opportunities for Experience

Summer Research Program


Randolph’s intensive eight-week Summer Research Program enables students to work with professors on a research of their own design; live in a residence hall on campus, participate in on-campus summer events, attend special seminars with guest speakers; and share the progress and results of their research.

Learn more about the Summer Research Program.

Symposium of Artists and Scholars

Modeled after a traditional academic conference, SAS将所有学科的学生聚集在一起,分享学院最佳工作的成果和亮点-口头报告, readings of creative works, performances, exhibitions of student artwork, and poster presentations.

Learn more about the Symposium of Artists and Scholars.


Learn by doing – in the field and on the job.  职业发展中心将帮助你在你研究领域的领先公司和组织中找到职位.

Learn more about internship opportunities.

Resources and Equipment

Only at Randolph


The Liberal Arts Advantage

365亚洲版的毕业生学会批判性地思考,解决问题和与他人合作. They are prepared to succeed in all aspects of life.

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Money for Your Research

365亚洲版创新学生体验(RISE)项目为每位学生提供2美元,000 grant to fund research, creative work, experiential learning or other scholarly pursuits.

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每半学期上两门课意味着你可以专注并深入学习你的课程,同时还有时间享受大学生活的其余部分. Two classes. Seven weeks. Repeat.

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The Randolph Plan


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Beck writes blog about benefits of active music-making

心理学教授萨拉·贝克为学者中心发表了一篇博客 & Storytellers, a youth-centered organization that bridges the […]

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Randolph’s Blair Gross published in ‘Frontiers in Psychology’

Blair Gross, a Randolph psychology professor, published the article, 认知过程在社会背景下展开:回顾和扩展[…]

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Beck writes about music cognition for "Child Art Magazine"

In the article, How Do Scientists Study Music?, Beck and co-author Miriam Lense wrote about the intersection of music, psychology, neuroscience, education, and health

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心理学教授伊丽莎白·格罗斯为365亚洲版的暑期研究项目制定了一个计划. 然后COVID-19发生了,她决定改变方向,开始两个不同的项目,而不仅仅是一个.

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Beck writes blog about benefits of active music-making

心理学教授萨拉·贝克为学者中心发表了一篇博客 & Storytellers, a youth-centered organization that bridges the […]

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Randolph’s Blair Gross published in ‘Frontiers in Psychology’

Blair Gross, a Randolph psychology professor, published the article, 认知过程在社会背景下展开:回顾和扩展[…]

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Beck writes about music cognition for "Child Art Magazine"

In the article, How Do Scientists Study Music?, Beck and co-author Miriam Lense wrote about the intersection of music, psychology, neuroscience, education, and health

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心理学教授伊丽莎白·格罗斯为365亚洲版的暑期研究项目制定了一个计划. 然后COVID-19发生了,她决定改变方向,开始两个不同的项目,而不仅仅是一个.

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Department Chair

Elizabeth Blair Gross


Credentials:B.A., University of Virginia
M.A., University of Virginia
Ph.D., University of Virginia
Associated Departments:Psychology, Cognitive Science
Office:Psychology 1

News Headlines

365亚洲版学院的心理学项目最让我兴奋的是我与本科生的密切合作. I am passionate about teaching psychology, and I love the small, intimate, 还有支持性的教室,让我不仅能教书,还能指导我的学生. I currently teach Introduction to Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Research Methods, and Myths and Controversies in Psychology. Most of all, I try to incorporate research into all of my classes, 要么强调对科学研究及其结论的严格评估,要么让学生设计并进行自己的研究. I find students really are the creative engine in the field!

As much as I love teaching, I also love being a scientist. In research, 我主要感兴趣的是我们的社会环境如何塑造基本的认知过程, and how individuals incur costs and benefits in social relationships. 我觉得我们的视觉系统重建我们周围的世界是很有趣的, but it is not always accurate. For example, the steepest paved road in Lynchburg, VA is, by law, 9 degrees, yet it looks drastically steeper! In fact, 有充分的证据表明,我们所看到的是由我们在世界上的行动能力和, more surprisingly, who surrounds us. 当我们身体疲惫时,距离看起来更远,山看起来更陡, 想到一个支持我们的朋友会让我们更容易驾驭这个世界. My research has found that even an abstract social resource, imagining supportive others, provides physiological benefits and alters visual perception. 我很高兴能和学生们一起继续这项工作,直接量化个人如何感知和联系他们的社会网络,努力建立社会环境的哪些方面对生理和认知过程的这些直接变化负责.

When I’m not working, you will often find me training for long distance runs, catching up on my reading list, or watching football.
